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Books Recommended on the Podcast
- Here is a master book list of all books mentioned by guests on the show, including the Top 10 recommendations and recommendations by episode.
- I use OME all of the time and love them. I seriously wish I could kiss Dr. Williams’ shinny bald head for how much he helps med students on the wards and beyond.
- All OME videos are free, so sign up for a free account.
- Then, when you’re ready, come back and click here for $80 off their annual premium subscription 🙂
- Just. So. Good. Especially for studying bugs and drugs. Let me tell you what will happen when you start studying for Step 1 (one): You will read a question stem about something related to infectious disease. You will have no idea what they are talking about. You will then see a Sketchy picture in your head, and then you will magically know the right answer.
- Check out a sample video.
- Pathoma is a med school staple. ’nuff said.
- Be sure to keep an eye out for the release of OnlineMedEd’s basic science curriculum, too.